The returning army, already weakened by the climate, was attacked and brutally plundered. Confused and shaken, for some reason Alexander followed the suggestion and ventured through arid desert-like terrain, where most of his army reeled under heat, thirst, hunger, and disease. However, he was advised to retreat by an unfamiliar and dangerous route. 10 Did Chanakya gave poison to Chandragupta 11 Did Chanakya defeated Alexander 12 At what age Chanakya died 13 Did Chandragupta Maurya meet Alexander 14 Who is Nandini real husband 15 How many wives does Chandragupta Maurya had 16 Was Helena Maurya bad 17 Which empire’s invasion did Chandragupta Maurya defeat 18 Who wrote Indica 19. Alexander was thus forced to try to retreat. Ensuing confusions were engineered by misinformation. Chandragupta snapped logistics and communication links that were exposed systematically throughout to bribes and promises to ambitious warlords. At the most opportune moment Chankaya made Chandragupta revolt. Under his guidance, Chandragupta rose from being a mere commoner to one of the greatest kings of ancient India. Chandragupta’s political mentor and chief adviser was Chanakya (also known as Kautilya and Vishnugupta) who wrote Arthashastra, the pioneering Indian treatise on political science, statecraft, military strategy, and economy. It is said that Alexander was well prepared for a war but could not instill confidence in his army. Chandragupta Maurya is a tale of exemplary courage, valor & magnificence of a young man who was destined to a life of servitude until he came into contact with Chanakya, the scion of wisdom. The propaganda was designed to break the main army's strength by creating confusion. Soon he engineered a propaganda war in Alexander's secondary army made up of mostly paid mercenaries that had come under Chandragupta's command or influence. This trust was fostered by various means, including murders and misinformation. It is said that Chanakya made Chandragupta join Alexander and become one of his Lieutenants. He is often referred as the most crooked of diplomats (Kautilya in Sanskrit means "one who is very cunning"). The folklore in India differs in some aspects from the established mainstream history.